Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: NCSA Mosaic elcome to NCSA Mosaicu2 Beta File Edit Options Navigate Annotate Help file/F- MOSAICrelnotes htm We] came to NCSA Mosaicl for the Microsoft Windows Opera iting Systems NCSA Mosaic an Internet navigation and data retrevial tool that will allow you to access networked inf arma tion wi th the click af mause but ton Mosa capable accessing data from the World Wide Weh servers HTTP Gopher servers FTP servers and News servers (NNTP) Mosaic can access other data servi ices through ga teway servers These serv .ces provi de you search capahi ities 1r da tabas envi ronmen such PH, Arch WAIS and Veron NCSA Masaic was des: gned ta provi ide +.c user transparent access to these in forma .an sources and servi ces NCSA Mosa 1r saf tware copy r ghted by The Board af Trus tees af the Universi af ...